Проводится опрос по новой кампании в Mekwars: Legends.
Кто не играл - это одна из неплохих платформ для кампаний в мегамек. В свое время я там немало поигрался. Если тема интересна, зайдите заполнить опрос по ссылке.
We are rebuilding Mekwars: Legends...
With a new campaign under construction we need your input
After walking away from the game for a while, one night a few weeks ago I randomly decided to play a game of Battle Tech. It had been well over a year since I had last played and I wasn't sure what to expect. Well...I had a really good time. I remembered how much I love this game and decided Mekwars: Legends needed to be restored to active campaign status ASAP. Legends needed to get back to its job of giving people a place to play BattleTech with others in the context of a campaign.
That process has begun and we will be relaunching a new campaign this spring. Over the years, I have talked to most of you, some of you at great length concerning the game - and Legends has always sought to make each cycle or campaign innovative.
This isn't the email to rally troops back to a new campaign... that email will come later. Right now we just are wondering what some of your preferences are. Some of you played hundreds or even thousands of games in past campaigns on Legends. Some of you played just one. But, as BattleTech fans, all of your opinions are important to myself and the staff make some decisions about this spring campaign.
So if you can I would ask you to help the staff out by taking probably 1 minute time and filling out this short survey to help us figure out how to best serve the community with the spring campaign. Thanks and hope to see you on the battlefield!
Sincerely, Erik
Pre-Campaign Spring 2015 Survey