Greetings from the American Jade Falcons! You guys had dropped by our forums to say hello and I wanted to return the favor. I would like to set up some practice battles in MWO if our times can match up. This is from our Russian member:
{S} SethПривет соотечественникам! Удачи в бою, надеюсь в будущем на совместные дропы
Hi Seth! Really glad to hear back from you here!
I think Volkodav or Falconer will post here on proposed time, so we will have some joint training soon!
I clearly understand that your prime time is far from ours. We can try both early morning for us (9am) but it will be about 0-1am night for you (i don't know exact time zone you're playing from. Or we can try morning-midday time for you so it will be daytime for us. Could you, please, tell us if any of these variants possible for you and what is your main time zone? Most of RJF use Moscow time (GMT+3).
7-th Talon Cluster
From my experience 6-9am msc time should be ok (that's around 10-..pm east coast time)
Greetings All {S}
I am a Russian-speaking member of American Clan Jade Falcon. Just wanted to say hi and let you know that we have Russian-speaking members if it would help with communications!
P.S. Sorry about latin typing in Russian - don't have a Russian keyboard available
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Privet Vsem {S}
Ya Russko-govoriashii chlen Amerikanskogo Clana Nefritovogo Sokola. Zashel poprivetstvovat vseh i skazat shto sredi nas est Russko-govoriashie, esli eto pomozhet s peregovorami!
{Vsego Horoshego}
P.S. Izviniaus za latinizu - ne imeu Russkoi klaviaturi pod rukoi.
Последний раз редактировалось CJF_BIOLOG; 30.09.2012 в 23:56.
Biolog, приветствую. Я так и подозревал когда увидел ник в вашем ростере. Добро пожаловать на наш форум.
7-th Talon Cluster
That time difference would be very difficult to set up a match time. I don't know about you guys in Russia, but I love to sleep in. There is no way anyone could pry me out of bed that early to play a game!
We can use your daytime (3-4pm) it would be late evening for us - so if you would have a time on holidays we could try.
7-th Talon Cluster
How about we wait until team vs team match making offially works?
No problems. Just remember, we're always ready for some training actions with Jade Falcon warriors! Matchmaking can be a real problem - i understand. Even if you'll find a time to play we're not guaranteed to play battle-to-battle and lots of time will be spent - so yes, it seems like we shall wait for matchmaking system upgrade just not to waste your time.
7-th Talon Cluster