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  1. #1

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    Проект Омега

    Security Disclaimer:
    You are about to access information recieved from Light of Mankind-Delta.This information is highly sensitive and there for classified Top Secret - Your
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    Release Information:
    This is the information we have received and decoded. We have received a total of six encoded messages, some still require processing. The information
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    Domini,We have finally located that which you have sought now since your rebirth. They were very receptive to what we had to offer them. We have exchange
    enough data and technology that we are all but ready to begin the rebirth of the Inner Sphere, Blake's will be done.Here in this brief I have is
    only a minuet amount of information concerning Project Omega. Our Light of the Mankind operatives have been working over time. This information has
    only just arrived. Our new ships are superb and have ranges beyond imagination. We have moved three score legions into position along with our other
    brothers. Now with Minnesota Warriors, we shall be victorious.Already they have been taking their time in dishing out their revenge on those homebound
    clans. It is my understanding that Khan Pryde is dead on Strana Mechty along with many other Khans and their Keshik. Your visions have
    proven true and righteous. We live to serve you as your Manei Domini.
    Please enjoy the fruits of your labor, my master. I await your command.Your humble Servant,St. Jamais[Jamais…your service has been noted and your
    reward is forth coming.
    Chassis: Wolverine Dreadnaught Type XX
    Power Plant: Cris'hilkt 400 Fusion
    Cruising Speed: 22 kph
    Maximum Speed: 33 kph
    Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: None
    Armor: BioForge Delta Zulu
    1 Annihilator Sniper Artillery Cannon
    2 Laws-Long Arms Extended Range Particle Cannon
    1 DeathCluster LRM 20 Launcher
    1 DoomBringer SRM 6 Launcher
    1 Headhunter Gauss Rifle
    1 Sunshade Extended Range Large Laser
    1 ManSlaughterer Anti-Personnel Laser
    Manufacturer: Minnesota MechWorks
    Primary Factories: New Minnesota
    Communications System: GarbelTalker X
    Targeting and Tracking System: BarnStriker B7
    The psychological impact of running into the titanic Orca, the largest Dreadnaught class BattleMech yet constructed, was devastating for the Clans. Combining
    devastating short-range firepower with the long reach of an artillery weapon, there is nowhere that an opponent is safe from these lumbering mountains of metal.
    Perfected by the Not Named Clan during the long years of plotting their revenge, the Super Heavy 'Mech allows them to overcome the superior Clan technology
    by packing more firepower onto a single unit, as Clansmen who have tried to fight them in one-on-one combat found to their cost.
    With a giant Sniper Artillery cannon to provide integrated fire support, the Orca easily out-range most Clan units, softening them up with salvo after salvo as
    they amble towards the enemy. Closer in, the Orca can use a mixed array of weapons to lay down murderous fire on anything that lacks to good sense to get out of
    the way. Even Battle Armored troops have to respect the Orca, as the Anti-Personnel laser has demonstrated its lethality against swarming Elementals time
    and again. Most unnerving for the Clan warriors who have faced the Orca is the reinforced armor that makes them so hard to stop. Time and again Clansmen have
    hammered a Gauss Rifle round or a PPC bolt into the cockpit of one of these monsters, only to see them shrug off what would have been a fatal blow to any
    other BattleMech. Not even the vaunted Khan Marthe Pryde succeeded in halting the Not Named Clan as they used a massed Orca CenterPlex to obliterate her
    Keshik and the newly reformed Falcon Guard. Falling back from the rolling barrage, Khan Pryde was incinerated when one of her Jump Jets backfired and engulfed
    the cockpit of her Turkina. By using massed attacks and physical assaults, the Clans have been able to capture several Orca, kick-starting their own crash
    development program to create their own SuperHeavy BattleMechs.
    The Orca forms the armored spearhead employed by the Not Named Clan to smash through all opposition. A single Quad can lay down a rolling barrage of artillery
    to clear the way for an entire CenterPlex to advance. This tactic proved devastating to the Blood Spirits expanded ProtoMech army on York. Whole formations
    were pounded into scrap before the ProtoMechs ever got within range. The Dreadnaught class 'Mech has also found favor with the Burrock warriors who defected
    from Clan Star Adder to join the Not Named Clan in visiting revenge upon the other Clans.
    A version designed for close range fire support replaces the massive artillery weapon with a quartet of Rotary Gauss Guns. This version proved deadly
    against the lightly armored Ice Hellion OmniMehcs that first encountered it.A second version adds two more ER PPC's and additional heat sinks. While not as
    deadly as the Clan version of the weapon, when used en-mass these particle weapons are more than up to the job of slaughtering the heated enemy.
    Type: Orca
    Technology Base: Exo
    Tonnage: 200
    Battle Value: 4571
    Equipment: Mass
    Internal Structure: Dreadnought Std 40
    Engine 400 52.5
    Walking MP: 2
    Running MP: 3
    Jumping MP: 0
    Heat Sinks 19 [38] 9
    Gyro: 4
    Cockpit: 4
    Armor Factor: 352 22
    Internal Armor
    Structure Value
    Head 4 12
    Center Torso 60 90
    Center Torso (Rear) 30
    R/L Torso 42 60
    R/L Torso (Rear) 20
    R/L Arm 33 60
    R/L Leg 42 80
    Weapons & Ammo Location Critical Mass
    Sniper Cannon RA/RT 10/10 20
    Ammo (Sniper) 30 RT 3 3
    CASE RT 1 0.5
    ER PPC RT 2 6
    ER PPC LT 2 6
    LRM 20 LT 4 5
    Ammo (LRM) 18 LT 3 3
    SRM 6 CT 1 1.5
    Ammo (SRM) 30 LT 2 2
    CASE LT 1 0.5
    AP Laser CT 1 1
    Gauss Rifle LA 6 14
    Ammo (Gauss) 16 LT 2 2
    ER Large Laser LA 1 4
    Название: Омега.png
Просмотров: 539

Размер: 194.7 Кб

  2. #2

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  5. #5

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    Цитата Сообщение от RJF_TwiceBorn Посмотреть сообщение
    В разделе "боевые действия"?..
    Чтобы победить врага, мы на 17 лет в перед должны знать о его наркоманских прототипах, наркоманской организации.
    Если бы они добавили 20 тонн брони, было бы куда серьезнее.

  6. #6

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  8. #8

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    Совершенно непрактичные и дорогущие девайсы. Обслуживание могут позволить себе только крайне богатые структуры. А применение будет подобно пирровой победе - два сражения и хозяин разорен .

    Galaxy Commander Delta Galaxy

  9. #9

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    On behalf of David 'MacAttack' McCulloch and myself we want to thank you for enjoying our little treat. Yes it was a joke. Oh it was sweet to see a 200
    ton BattleMech but we all know that's not going to happen in the game. The Wolverines wiping out the Clans in the homeworlds? Hahaha… oh that was
    sweet. The best one was Khan Marthe barbequing herself with her own jump jets! Please give MacAttack the praise he so richly deserves. This was
    his idea for a joke and he spent some time putting this together. Anyway, the Orca was our April Fool's joke. For those that were offended in any way we
    do humbly apologize. Now for some interesting news. Project Omega does equate to something. That I will reveal in time. David and I are sure you all
    will love it. And NO ITS NOT LAMS! So please have some patience and we will reward you with some really cool! As always enjoy!
    Warner Doles
    Free Lance Writer
    Site Administrator


  10. #10

    0 Not allowed!
    Ну неудивительно же ). Я как то сразу осознал что пост от первого апреля .

    7-th Talon Cluster

  11. #11

    0 Not allowed!
    Тебе везет. Я вообще забыл, какое сегодня число и какой сегодня день=)

  12. #12

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    надеюсь, все в курсе, что это "боян", шутке года 4 уже

  13. #13

    0 Not allowed!
    в кажной шутке естьдоля шутки )
    После первой такой вот шутки, через год Омеги всплыли в Сибири при штурме Терры!
    "Честь и Долг - две стороны одной монеты"
    Вольный стрелок

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